Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Music & Humor

Music is one of those things that I can always count on. It won't tell you you're wrong, it comforts you through bad times, it relates to your angst, your depth of emotion and your own rage... it lets you know there are actually good times, even though they aren't here now, it's possible it can happen, unless you get hit by a low flying unicorn that spears you to the after life first,... then you're screwed, but that's a little bit of where the humor comes in.

I know a lot of you think you can count on certain people regardless of what happens, I can tell you for a fact that isn't true. You really shouldn't put yourself in a vulnerable position, even if it's someone you love, trust, and know that anything you confide will be understood, even if it's not accepted.

Friends will come, Friends will go, true friends always find a way. always. True friends, true love, REAL love, will never toss you to the side until things are supposed to be right. If it's true, it will hash out until it is right. Especially when it is something you wholeheartedly know in the very being of your soul, that it can work, you're willing, they aren't able... my first thought is to shut down, run, hide, and say "fuck them for doing this". You have to remember though, maybe they aren't capable of the type of feelings you are. and in that case, I also say Fuck em'. Even if all I really want to do is hold on tight and fight for the both of us, since they can't. That's what friends do, fight for you when you're unable, and vice versa. I don't think I've ever really had that, but I imagine it's pretty amazing.

Music is the only consistent love of my life. I have no real home anymore. Home is where your heart is. My heart doesn't dwell anywhere. Maybe it can one day. It can't now.

Humor however, no matter how sadistic of a person I am, can brighten my day, even if it's a very fleeting moment. Even when I'm as low as possible, or watching my life fall apart in front of me, it's really quite amusing. It's typical. Don't know how I can be surprised about it, but I always am and it's funny. I'm standing there watching the destruction that was caused by my own actions and there is nothing I can do about it. What a riot. I realize what I want and need in life, and then I am given no choice. I think it's in a way fucking funny and also incredibly heart breaking.

Play your music loud. Get caught up in it. Relate to the artist. Scream, yell, shout, dance, and cry. (There is NOTHING wrong with crying no matter what people want to tell themselves. It's a true measure of human emotion and it can be good)
and don't forget to laugh at the things falling apart around you. Of course, people may think you're crazy for doing so, but what do people know anyway...

1 comment:

  1. Music is definitely by best friend, no doubt. Despite anything I could ever find myself going through, it's always there. Always, always, always.
